Support for Families

Do you have a family member of any age who suffers from an eating disorder, anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns?

I offer Emotion-Focused Parent/Partner/Caregiver Support, based on the principles of EFFT (Emotion-Focused Family Therapy). You will develop practical skills to effectively, efficiently, and compassionately support your loved one emotionally and behaviorally. You'll learn ways to increase connection, strengthen your relationship, and reduce burnout.

 How it Works

  • Come on in without your loved one—this time is just for you. If your loved one needs an assessment, we can work together to make that happen.

  • Know you will be warmly welcomed, even if you have previously been pushed away, told you just don’t get it, felt to-blame, or aren’t sure how much more support you can give.

  • Sessions involve:

    • Emotion coaching skills (responding to strong emotions)

    • Behavior/recovery coaching skills (helping your loved one with behavior change)

    • Working through any practical or emotional blocks that might get in the way of your effectiveness (e.g. fear, self-blame)

    • Therapeutic apologies to strengthen relationships (if indicated)

    • Support for you to get through this, for your own sake!

  • Collaboration with individual or family therapists/treatment team

  • Can meet briefly, ongoing as needed, or work with an intensive model, where we meet for 6-8 hours (in 50 or 100 minute sessions) over 2-3 days.

  • Booster sessions available after you have enough time to practice new skills.